Campaigns 4 Tips to Boost Your Chances of Winning Canada’s Luckiest Student How to give yourself the best odds for the life-changing student prize bundle. Love Share
Student Life A Student’s Guide To Dealing With Failure Everybody deals with failure in their own way, but is there a "right" way to handle it? Love Share
Entertainment Virginia to Vegas Concert: SLN Winners Meet and Greet Virginia to Vegas, also known as Derik Baker, put on a show in Toronto and 20 lucky students got to meet him! Love Share
Jobs + Internships Finding A Mentor As A Post-Secondary Student For all the importance placed on mentors, no one ever taught me how to find one. So I'm telling you all now! Love Share
Interview Recognizing Tomorrow’s Leaders: In Conversation With Loran Scholars Foundation CEO Meghan Moore We met with the CEO of the Loran Scholars Foundation to learn about what it takes to be a Loran Scholar. Love Share
Interview How I Became a Loran Scholars Finalist: In Conversation with Marika S. of Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific We spoke to one of the 2019 Loran Scholarship finalists, about what it took to be recognized for this prestigious Canadian award. Love Share
Student Life A Student’s Guide To Sustainability: Let’s Help The Environment! It’s up to us to adopt a lifestyle that is environmentally conscious, for the sake of our futures. Love Share
Our Picks Toronto Teen Raises More Than $50,000 For Bahamian Hurricane Dorian Relief We recently sat down with Toronto teen Nicholas Robinson who has been raising money for families affected by Hurricane Dorian. Love Share
Money + Debt Cheap Ways To Stay Fit In University Simple tips for working on your fitness! Love Share
Jobs + Internships A World of Possibilities: Student Works Success Stories Many graduates of the Student Works Management Program have gone on to do incredible things within the business community. Love Share
Grades Taking Notes: Paper vs. Laptops vs. Apps How you take notes in class can affect the way you absorb the information. So, which method works best? Love Share