Student Entrepreneur Spotlight: Brendan Banks of Ra Solutions
We spoke to one of the BCIT students behind Ra Solutions, harnessing the power of the sun to combat global food waste.

We spoke to one of the BCIT students behind Ra Solutions, harnessing the power of the sun to combat global food waste.
We spoke to SLN Access winner Helena Miller about her recent trip to the L.A. premiere of I STILL BELIEVE.
SLN Creator Elise Roopchan braved a snowstorm to attend The Blue Jays Winter Fest on January 18, 2020. Read about her experience!
SLN Access winner Julia Lang, a second year Advertising & Graphic Design student at Humber College, won tickets to see P!NK in concert.
We sat down with SLN Access winner Kyle Crooymans, a recent graduate of St. Michael's School Bow Island. Here's what he had to say!
A team of five SLN Creators attended and covered a private advance screening of the upcoming feature film, Blinded By The Light.
We sat down with SLN Access winner Nishantha Kanagasapabathy. She won tickets to Bud Light Dreams Music Festival. Read what she had to say!
Going out to the stadium was already one of our favourite summer activities but now it’s even better. Enter T.G.I.F. - Jersey Friday!
SLN Creators is featuring Stephanie Cheung of VoteBetter — the app that keeps you well-informed on campus politics, processes, and roles.
We sat down with Adam Vassallo, a recent environmental science graduate from Queen's University and the founder and host of Prof Talks.