Campaigns 4 Tips to Boost Your Chances of Winning Canada’s Luckiest Student How to give yourself the best odds for the life-changing student prize bundle. Love Share
Jobs + Internships How I Scored My Job At The NHL… With No Home Ice Advantage Chris grew up as a typical Canadian kid, obsessed with hockey. Now he works for the NHL. Here's how he did it. Love Share
Jobs + Internships 3 Biggest Reasons for Student Volunteering Student volunteering is a great way to get experience in the field that interests you or to simply lend a hand. Love Share
Student Life Why You Need to Cut Toxic Friends Out of Your Life—Right Now Just because someone is willing to be your friend, doesn’t necessarily mean you should stay friends with them. Love Share
Jobs + Internships 5 Lessons From a Recent Grad to Help You Prepare for Life After School Once I was pushed off the ledge into the real world, I realized school left out so many lessons I was soon forced to learn. Love Share
Jobs + Internships The Dos and Don’ts of the Best Student Resume and Cover Letter On a job hunt right now? The job market is understandably not great, which makes having the best student resume possible a must. Love Share
Jobs + Internships Will Grad School Actually Get You a Better Career? The game plan is simple: graduate from university at 22 and the job prospects will get brighter and brighter. Right? Love Share
Jobs + Internships After Graduating University, I Still Feel Unqualified For a Job We discovered that 49% of students feel unqualified for a job in their field—it's called Impostor Syndrome. Love Share
Jobs + Internships 4 Ways to Build a Resume When You Have Zero Experience Creative tips and examples for what you can do to gain experience and get hired. Love Share
Grades Confronting the 10 Stages of Exam Stress (in GIFs) How can exam stress be avoided? We face all of its stages: procrastination, freakouts, regret, and everything in between. Love Share
Grades 8 Coping Mechanisms to Deal With Exam Stress Exams are stressful. Shocker, right? Try some coping mechanisms to combat that feeling! Love Share