First-year students tend to get nervous about the first week of school, so let us ease your anxiety. Orientation week (a.k.a. frosh week and welcome week) is filled with excitement and new beginnings! Along with tons of learning to do, there’s also a bunch of activities to partake in. What should you expect during Orientation Week?
DISCLAIMER: This is an article we like to share every year but we recognize that 2020 has basically thrown a wrench in everything. Orientation week will unquestionably be different this year, but hopefully, you can still take something away from our student guide.
Moving Day
Moving may sound like a tedious, labouring job BUT that’s only because it totally is! On the bright side, you can decorate your area however you want and make it your own. String up some twinkly lights and fluff out those cozy blankets for a warm and welcoming atmosphere. If you’re in need of ideas, check out Dorm Room Decor: Decorating Your Student Living Space. Basically, this is your fresh start to have a clean slate and begin anew.
Besides, it won’t be so bad loading everything you own into a tiny dorm room (just kidding). But you know what is fun? Meeting all of your floormates! You’re about to be surrounded by new friends. Well, maybe only half-surrounded in 2020.
Residence Living
Okay, dorm room living is not glamorous. You may find it crammed with everything you thought to bring (even if you don’t need it). However, you’re always surrounded by people. Even if you’re not a social butterfly, you can pop out of your room cocoon once and a while to socialize before hiding away again. The best part is you don’t need to go far to make new friends. You have neighbours on either side of you! If you’re still not feeling comfortable with the idea of living in residence, read How To Survive Residence Life As A Party Hamster.
You’ll Bond With New Friends Over The Weirdest Things
Seriously. My best friend and I bonded over a shared admiration for our attractive TA. Even today, we still look back on those days and laugh. So whether you find yourself bonding over a love of tea, country music, Gilmore Girls, digestive cookies, makeup choices or whatever else you’re into—there’s always someone out there who loves that stuff just as much as you do. And you’re randomly going to find them in that first week.
You’ll Forget Something SUPER Important
This one’s inevitable. Whether it’s your toothbrush, notebooks, or face wash, you’re bound to forget something that’s absolutely essential. And you’ll need to go out and replace it. When I first moved into my dorm room, my roommate forgot her pillow. Luckily I had two so I could share until she got hers back. You never know what you’ll forget until it’s too late!
Get Those Class Schedules
With everything going on, learning about your classes may not seem like a top priority, but you’re there for school. Take the opportunity to figure out where your classes are on campus so you’re not frantically running around the following week. Erm, or in some cases, figure out how to log into whatever virtual lecture program your new school uses (sorry, not as glamorous).
Student Discounts
There, I said it. SAVE MONEY WHILE YOU CAN AND EMBRACE ALL STUDENT DISCOUNTS. (Especially since SLN found so many good ones for you.) I missed out on this opportunity for the first few months of school and highly regret it. Use that student card to your advantage!
Find Your Style
If you went to a high school that enforced uniforms (like mine did) then you’ll be ENTIRELY grateful to finally wear your own clothes. You can show off your style and try out a new look without feeling all the judgment from those high school days. You might even buy a new wardrobe for the occasion!
You’ll Probably Remember Nothing
I’m not saying you’ll be so drunk that you’ll forget everything. That may be the case sometimes, but even soberly I only remember snippets of what I did that first week of university. Orientation week is a whirlwind of activities that, looking back, all sort of mash together into one giant pile of fun.
So, get ready to enjoy every minute of it!

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.