Landing a new part-time job is a thrill…but that thrill can go away pretty quickly. And when it comes to potentially dealing with rough hours, crappy bosses, or lots of schoolwork, being a full-time student with a part-time job (or two or three) can be a real ass-kicker.
Here’s what really happens when you’re a student with a part-time job:
You gain weight.
I-just-spent-eight-hours-on-my-feet replaces your workouts. All you eat is work food. Like the doughnuts Kelly brought in last week. Or the fries you always swipe from the kitchen. Why is there never healthy stuff lying around?
You see money in a whole new light.
If a bubble tea costs half an hour’s pay, that makes you think twice about buying it.
You learn to be sneaky.
Texting on the clock is easy once you know where all the cameras are. Not that you do that. Wait… people do that?
You’re only slightly less broke.
Between student debt and the cost of living these days, there isn’t much wiggle room. And what’s left is blown on drinks for the party next weekend. And occasionally textbooks.
You make new friends.
Nothing bonds people like a good old fashioned let’s-complain-about-work session. Just try not to get carried away.
Your weekends are threatened.
Because managers have a sixth sense for giving you shifts when fun things happen. You’re in a constant state of FOMO.
You give up free time.
That commitment you made to Netflix takes a serious hit.
Your OSAP funding may change.
Depending on how much you’re making, OSAP may decide you need less money. Get an estimate here.
You manage time like a pro.
That assignment due next month? Halfway done. And you’re already prepped for next week’s test. This responsibility thing is awesome.
You have a job.
That means money in your pocket (well, a little), experience on your resume, and an excuse to get out of any event you don’t want to attend. It’s really not so bad.
Haven’t actually got a part-time job yet? We’ve got a ton of resources to help you out here.

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.