Travel is an amazing experience that changes you for the better, but putting the plans together can also be a bit stressful and push you out of your comfort zone.
If you’ve always wanted to check out a new place but you want someone else to take care of the details, consider using Contiki. They plan everything so you can sit back and enjoy your trip. Once your trip is planned, there are many benefits to travel, including the ability to help fight depression. Now, I’m not saying travel will 100% make everything better, but it can definitely be an asset when you’re working on yourself.
Why? Because travelling…
Removes Everyday Stressors

When you remove yourself from an environment that holds external stressors such as work and responsibilities, it can free the mind to help you tune into what you need. The change in scenery can act as a relief and allows you to listen to what you need for yourself.
Has No Judgement

Go out to the beach and watch the waves. Curl up in the hotel room with a book. Have a luxurious bubble bath. Explore a new area. Whatever you want to do, travel frees you from your obligations in your regular student/working life. So you can do you.
Provides Social Opportunities

Meeting new people can feel like a daunting task. However, when you’re already with a group of like-minded travellers, you meet people from different backgrounds and share stories. These friendships can create a bond that can be life-changing. They can inspire positivity.
Gives You Freedom

Get to a place on vacation where you are the boss of you, because this can help you deprioritize concerns in your everyday life that are negatively affecting your health. Take charge and choose what you want to do or where you want to go.
Offers Nature as an Anti-Depressant

Consider a place with LOTS of nature available because all of that greenery can have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Check out places with mountains, hikes, or even a beautiful beach. You will take a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively.
Helps You Pinpoint Future Stressors

If you’re worried about money, keep everything budget-friendly. Before you go, map out your budget and what you’re willing to spend for the trip to erase any future money-stressors that you don’t need to worry about. For student-budget friendly travel destinations, read 8 Popular Travel Destinations For Students On A Budget.
Gets You Out of the House

A rather large challenge associated with depression is finding the energy and motivation to keep going. It can feel like a giant weight yanking us down. However, there’s something about travel that turns that weight into a pulley – making it easier to get out of the hotel room and explore.
Allows You to Recharge and Reflect

Do what you want on your own time. This means you can relax and determine what makes you smile. What makes you happy? Decisions are best made when we’re free of stress.
If you still aren’t sure, read about it first-hand. Many travellers write about their experiences, shedding light on how travelling has helped them fight their depression. Now, I want to make this last bit very clear. Please keep in mind that while travelling can help with depression, it’s not a cure. So if you feel the need to speak to someone about it, please consult your doctor.

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.