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5 Midnight Thoughts That Plague Every University Student

Written by Katrina McNabb
student midnight thoughts

You’re lying in bed, or brushing your teeth, or cramming for a final and all of a sudden you’re awash with a flood of terrifying midnight thoughts.

You know what I’m talking about. First, there’s the future of your university career and whether or not you’re really cut out for the professional workforce. Then, you’re worrying that no one is ever going to take you seriously. That you can’t handle the pressure. And it just spirals from there.

Yeah, this is a list of those thoughts (and ways to deal with them).

“Should I Drop Out?”

Most students have thought about it at least once. You’re lying in bed before an exam. All you can think about is that you haven’t studied enough. Panic hits. Waterworks and the whole nine yards. All I can say is: Stop. I promise you, if you listened to that panicked voice in your head, you would never be able to study enough. Take school seriously but not too seriously. You are more than your grades.

“How Much Kraft Dinner Is Too Much Kraft Dinner?”

I know, I know. Kraft Dinner is delicious and easy. And ridiculously cheap. It’s tempting to eat it for every meal. Don’t. Don’t eat Kraft Dinner for every meal. Easy isn’t always healthy, and school already prompts you to stress-eat. Try and eat something green every now and again. Like mom told you.

“Why Am I So Poor?”

Yes. Many of us are poor. That is why budgeting is important. Watch your bank account and, more importantly, watch for free events at your school and from outside organizations. There are countless free activities (mostly virtual in 2021) that happen all the time.

“I Really Should Go to the Gym”

Ever had that moment at 4 a.m. when you say to yourself, “I really need to go to the gym”? Yes! Fitness and health are important, especially when you’re eating KD ad infinitum. But, don’t overdo it. Don’t run yourself ragged just because everyone else around you is eating kale and doing CrossFit.

“I Am Never Going to Get a Real Job”

Stop. Breathe. I know, entering the working world is scary and stressful, but don’t work yourself up too much. Things will fall into place as long as you are proactive. You can’t complain about your lack of a job if you don’t try to find one. Breathe, and keep sending out those resumes. Soon, you’ll have a salary and glorious employment. For right now, practice patience and determination.

These midnight thoughts sneak up on all of us, especially during stressful periods. The most important step is to put them into perspective. Drown them out and know that you are not alone in your worries.

Everything will be okay. Just to ensure everything’s fine: SLEEPY PUPPY IN A BOWTIE!

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