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5 Effective Ways to Manage Stress With Remote Learning

Written by Christina Yang
manage stress, woman sitting in front of laptop, pink walls

Being a student is hard, especially now; amid a global pandemic when you are stuck at home and learning virtually. If you are feeling stressed because you have ten assignments or overwhelmed because you have to attend three hours of Zoom lectures back-to-back, then this guide is for you. So, here are five effective ways to manage stress:

1. Make a To-Do List

Yes, I know, you have probably heard this one to manage stress. But before you start rolling your eyes, give it a try! A lot of people make the mistake of making their to-do list too general. For example:


  • Biology
  • Psychology

The point of a to-do list is to make it easier for you to process all the tasks you have on hand, and help you be more productive. Make sure you invest time and energy into creating your to-do list. Place the most important tasks at the top and give specific descriptions. For example:


  • Start biology evolution research paper
  • Read psychology textbook pages 30-39

2. Use your Calendar

Using a calendar is crucial during this time as you can easily miss a class by accident or forget a deadline for an assignment. You can choose between a physical calendar or a digital one. If you prefer a digital calendar, I recommend Apple’s ios calendar or Google Calendar. Click here for more resources to browse.

3. Stay Hydrated

Did you know, water is scientifically proven to increase your energy and relieve fatigue? Yes, you heard that right. Drinking water not only helps you concentrate better, but it also calms you down. If you are someone who forgets to drink water, or you’re simply too lazy to get up and grab water, put a glass of water next to your desk for easy access. If you are someone who thinks drinking plain water is boring, you can make lemon or fruit-infused water for a refreshing way to stay hydrated!

4. Take Time Off

After a long day of studying and attending Zoom calls, you deserve a break. Taking time off to keep your Mental Health in check is just as important as doing your school assignment. However, you cannot study 24/7 because you will get burnt out. Therefore, take time for yourself. This can be a bubble bath, reading your favorite book, baking delicious chocolate chip cookies, going for a walk, a yoga stretch, or even calling up a friend.

5. Sleep

Do you feel guilty staying up till 4am to finish up an assignment that is due the next morning or watching Netflix till midnight? Don’t worry, most of us do too. However, don’t underestimate the power of being well-rested. Sleeping can help manage stress and improve your memory. Therefore, it is a win-win situation!

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