‘Tis the season! For not studying and watching Christmas movies!
Your homework pile is growing dangerously high, and the amount of sleep you’ve gotten is at an all-time low, but the thought of Christmas makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (or at least the thought of Christmas break does).
In between your final exams and studying, there’s still time to squeeze in your fav holiday flicks, right? You deserve a break. So what are the top Christmas movies that should be on every student’s “must watch” list?
Home Alone
Although the thought of your family forgetting about you and being left home alone sounds a tad depressing for the holidays, Macaulay Culkin makes it seem anything but boring. Home Alone is so many people’s favourite holiday movie because everyone wishes they could be as cool and clever as Culkin in this movie. Seriously though, remember the awesome traps he set up? I only wish I was that creative now, let alone then.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The best way to make the exit from your inappropriate animal costumes to your ugly Christmas sweaters is to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. It’ll make the transition from Halloween to Christmas seem less depressing, I promise!
You can seriously watch this movie again and again—it never gets old. Sometimes I even wonder if I can get away with watching it outside the holiday season when I need a good laugh. Nothing beats an adult elf with the innocence of a child hoping around New York City and eating maple syrup as if he was Canadian. Thank god for Will Ferrell.
The Santa Clause
This movie will make you wish your Dad got lucky enough to become the new Santa Claus, and you could fly away from all your exams on a reindeer-drawn sleigh to the North Pole. It will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and seriously makes you miss when you were little and still believed in all the magical things that came along with Christmas. I mean, I still do because it’s all real.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
This movie is especially great for all those Debbie-downers out there who just are not feeling Christmas this year. If your heart is feeling two sizes too small, by the end of this movie you can’t help but wish you could live in Whoville, drive mini cars, and partake in their Christmas festivities.
I’ll Be Home for Christmas
First off, ladies, Jonathan Taylor Thomas is in this movie. Second off, being away from school can make you feel homesick, especially when you’re busy and stressed, and all you want is your mom’s Christmas cookies. This movie, although in a dramatically comical way, makes us remember how great it will be to finally go home for Christmas break. Let’s just hope your trip home doesn’t involve being stuck in a Santa suit and hitchhiking.
Die Hard
Quite possibly the best Christmas movie ever. It has all of the main elements of a good Christmas story: the importance of family, miracles, the spirit of giving, and… explosions.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Let’s face it: if this movie doesn’t remind you at some point of how ridiculous your own family is, then you need a new family. A classic flick that will make you #facepalm more than once. Plus, doesn’t everyone have an Uncle like Eddy? No? Just me? Awkward…
What are your favourite Christmas movies? It’s the perfect time to watch them before it’s too late!

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