Some of you may be totally excited about this because you know what awaits you. On the other hand, the rest of you might be rolling your eyes because you’re not ready to give up your sweet freedom. Allow us to make a case for why you should be AMPED UP about being home for the summer:
Stocked Fridge
That moment when you open the fridge and find it filled with food that hasn’t gone bad. There’s no mystery meat in here, friends!
Someone Else Cooking For You
Food always tastes better when someone else cooks. How nice is waking up to the smell of freshly made breakfast only to realize that your parents are making your favourite just because you’re home? #winning
Reconnecting With Old Friends
You remember those friends that went to different universities after high school? Yeah, now you can bring that group back together for some jolly good times!
No Roommates Stealing Your Favourite Foods
That glorious food is all yours. Unless you have mischievous siblings.
Dining Out
You actually get to go out for a nice meal, and your parents offer to pick up the cheque. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Your Parents Can Be Fun
Don’t give me that look! Now that you’re older, you can start to relate to your parents more. As a result, you can have a drink with them!
Hardcore Snacking
That pantry is stocked and ready to be raided, GO, GO, GO!
Pinterest Recreations
Basically, you’ll have everything you need to try all of those wicked cool Pinterest recipes without needing to go buy it all. Get experimenting!
All Of The Spices
There’s nothing plain here! It’s more than just salt, pepper, and that random spice you bought one time. It’s all here and at your disposal.
Family Vacations
Oh, it’s time for a family trip? I can’t afford it because I’m a poor student. What? You’ll pay for me to come for family time? I AM IN.
Besides helping out around the house, of course, there’s no school here. No sir! We are free as a bird! Sweatpants all day, every day.
Best Hosts Ever
When you’re hanging out with your friends and your parents offer to bring you all the snacks. YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. NEVER LEAVE.
Coffee and Alcohol
FREE COFFEE AND ALCOHOL FOR EVERYONE. You get coffee! And you get coffee!
Rides Everywhere
When your parents offer to drive because you don’t own a car. YES! Finally, you can give up public transit (for the most part) this summer.
Mom And Dad To The Rescue
When something goes horribly wrong… like when there’s a spider lurking in the shower or whatever you’re cooking is set on fire—you can call for back-up. You know your folks will help you out.
In the end, you can find pros and cons to being home for the summer. Why not focus on the benefits of being home for a few months? When you graduate, you’ll look for a job and be forced to act like a proper adult with all that un-fun stuff. So, act like a kid for a little longer. After all of that studying, you deserve it.
If you’re looking for things to do this summer, check out 10 Ways To Stay Productive.

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.