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I Opened A Letter I Wrote 4 Years Ago (And You Should Too)

Written by Mikael M. Melo

In my senior year of high school, a teacher of mine recommended that I write a letter to be opened at the end of my post-secondary experience.

The rules were simple:

Write whatever you’d like to know about yourself and the future. Just don’t open that letter until you’ve graduated from college or university.

Speaking to your future self, I’ve learned, is a powerful experience.

How To Do It:

When writing a letter to your future self, not only do you want to make sure it’s therapeutic and sentimental, but you also want to make sure you sound cool. You don’t want your future self to think your past self was a total loser…

High School Loser GIF

You’ve got to make sure you acknowledge your accomplishments and bask in the congratulations.

Congrats Being Alive GIF

Then ask yourself the basic questions you’d want to know, such as:

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After that, hit yourself with the real talk:

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Remember that this letter is for your eyes, and your eyes only! Pour out all your deep dark secrets and confide in what you hope for in the future.

When you eventually reach the age your message was addressed to, it will be an eye-opening experience. You’ll be able to to visualize your growth in a trippy, transformative way; you’ll get to appreciate just how far you’ve come.

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If you’re starting a new chapter in your life, I highly recommend you write a letter yourself to be opened on a specific date. Trust me when I say: it’s a completely unique experience, one that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Now watch me as I opened a letter I wrote to myself 4 years ago:


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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.