$20,000! Spell it out: twenty thousand dollars. Oh, man. If you’re a lucky student, you could do all the things with that.
(If you’re interested in a chance to win $20,000 for tuition in addition to other prizes like a new phone, grocery and rent money for a year, and so much more, make sure you enter Canada’s Luckiest Student.)
If you’re reading this article, then the chances are grand (ha, get it?) that you’ve been paying attention to Canada’s Luckiest Student. The $20,000 GIC from CIBC is merely one of several prizes in the pool, all of which will be awarded to one lucky student! If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, then you need to march right on over to this dandy website and prepare yourself.
First things first: what’s a $20,000 GIC from CIBC? At first glance, all I got from that was the idea of $20,000. But the fact that it’s a GIC makes it all the more drool-worthy. A GIC is a Guaranteed Investment Certificate, meaning that the $20,000 that you could win is not only guaranteed to you, but guaranteed to grow on account of the plan’s high interest rates.
So without further ado, here are the twenty ways that you could potentially blow $20,000—and then some.
With $20,000, one lucky student can buy:
- 909 admissions to the Ontario Science Centre.
- 2,222 packs of frozen meatballs from Ikea.
- Thirty-nine PS4s bundled with The Last of Us.
- A Honda Civic.
- 14,493 bottle opener rings.
- A piece of skywriting for half a day.
- At least 100 tattoos courtesy of Kat Von D.
- 1,667 copies of Jurassic Park on DVD.
- Twenty copies of Adobe CS6.
- 1,000 horse masks.
- 2,000 classic Moleskine notebooks.
- 333 years’ worth of Xbox Live Gold memberships.
- Approximately 1,212 visits to Snakes and Lattes.
- Forty indoor ping-pong tables.
- 4,762 large frozen hot chocolates from Second Cup.
- 6,667 Keno scratch cards.
- Three Kawasaki Ninja bikes.
- 691 bottles of Crown Royal whisky.
- 1,254 pairs of buttoned arm warmers.
- Well… you could pay off your post-secondary tuition!
To the lucky winner of this year’s Canada’s Luckiest Student—whoever you may turn out to be—be sure to consult this list in the event that you have no idea how to use your money. After all, you could probably use those arm warmers throughout our devilish Canadian winters.

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.