Taking online classes can be overwhelming. So, you find yourself falling behind on school work and lacking the motivation to get out of bed to attend that 8 AM class. It feels as if you are drowning in assignments and nothing seems to go your way. Well, these focusing tips can enhance your skills and add a bit of sunshine and positivity to your online learning experience.
Your morning routine is vital to how your day turns out. Research shows that people perform better when they are dressed for the work they are doing. Basically, this may sound silly, but working in your pajamas can lead to less productivity. Everyone loves pajamas, they are warm and comfortable. However, try starting your morning by brushing your teeth, making breakfast, and getting dressed in clothes you would wear to class instead. This could be a game-changer for you. In fact, you may feel more vibrant and excited for lectures, which adds a hint of sunshine to the experience.
Upgrade Your Level of Organization
With everything online, it’s easy to forget upcoming activities. If you love all things digital, well, google calendar will be your best friend. In fact, customize your calendar and set reminders a few days before due dates or activities. However, if google calendar is not your thing, then daily planners also get the job well done. Pro Tip: Set personal deadlines to complete upcoming assignments or projects.
Also, a clean space is a happy space. It’s ideal for studying. Therefore, make your bed in the morning or clean your desk area to stay organized. This cultivates a positive and welcoming study space, which elevates your mood and helps keep your mind focused on what’s important.
Eliminate Distractions
On average, a person checks their phone 150 times a day. So, you reach for your phone every six minutes. Eliminate this distraction by switching off your phone and placing it far away until you complete your task. This strategy is hardcore but very rewarding. If you still want to focus and have your phone, try focus apps such as flipd, forest, and many more. Additionally, changing study locations around the house or on-campus can reduce the feeling of familiarity, eliminating any distractions, which leads to better productivity.
The Pomodoro Technique
This strategy allows you to complete a task within 25 minutes, including small breaks in-between. 25 minutes might sound like a short period of time, but have you noticed that within the first 25-30 minutes of a 50-minute class you are fully focused? And after this time you start to zone out and lose concentration? Well, this is normal. A human’s average concentration time is 50 minutes. Moreover, for some people, it can be more or less. This method is highly effective, providing an opportunity to give something 100% of your attention. Most importantly, resting allows your brain to pump with oxygen and energy, making you ready to engage in the next session.
Scheduled Breaks
Studying for long periods without rest will result in a loss of focus and content retention. It is most common during the midterm season or when you fall behind on school work. These focusing tips include giving yourself short breaks in between study sessions. Stretch your legs, make a cup of tea or coffee, or relax for a solid 10 minutes while listening to your favourite song. This allows more oxygen to reach your brain, rejuvenating your mind, and makes you twice as productive.
Small Rewards
Studying can be monotonous. The rule of thumb is to start with tasks or assignments that are challenging. Once completed, then you reward yourself for your accomplishment. For example, reward yourself by buying your favourite pie, making a lavish dinner, or watching your favourite show. This boosts confidence levels, so you can get more done!
Hopefully, these focusing tips help. Best of luck!

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