Moving to a college or university can be lonely and even a little unsettling at first, but so many students are in the same position as you, ergo YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And most of them want to make friends! Besides, there are plenty of opportunities to make friends in college/university if you’re willing to branch out. Why not try one of these?
On-Campus Events
Usually, post-secondary schools organize plenty of events at the start of the school year. These events tend to continue throughout the year as socials, karaoke nights, concerts, trivia, movie nights, and more! Not only is this a great way to meet new people, but attendees are enrolled at the same school. Maybe a chance encounter will lead to a lasting friendship!
I feel like this doesn’t really need explaining. The point is simple. If you attend parties, it’s a social gathering, therefore, you’re likely to meet people!
School Clubs
What are your interests? Is there something you are passionate about outside of school? A sport or activity that’s just plain fun? At the start of the school year, most schools offer some type of “club fair” where students can browse the available clubs and sign up right on the spot. Do something you enjoy and make friends at the same time! You’re heading in the right direction by attending the same club, so these people already share your interests. Give it a shot and join a club or two, or even three!
Be Friendly
You don’t need to keep to yourself in class. It’s nice to smile and say “hi” to your classmates. Be social! Strike up a conversation about an upcoming project or organize a study group to prepare for exams. Ask a student for help. It’s okay to reach out to a fellow classmate if you missed last week’s class and are looking to borrow notes. It’ll likely happen to them at some point and you can pay them back for their generosity. Maybe it will lead to you talking in the future, or maybe not. You won’t know unless you try.
These tips apply no matter where your college or university is located! Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to be nice to people and offer to help a student in need. For example, if a classmate is looking for a pen and you have a spare, offer yours. If you’re unsettled in your first year of college/university and you’re looking for further advice, check out How To Find Your Place As A First-Year Student.
Step outside your comfort zone. If you’re studying marketing, branch out and attend a party with philosophy students. Sticking to your room with Netflix is easy, but making friends and socializing with your peers is entirely part of the college/university experience. Jump in and be a part of it!

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.