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Not a Morning Person? Five Ways to Make Your Mornings More Enjoyable

Written by Marcy McMillan

Rise and shine! Are you someone who struggles to get out of bed in the morning? How many times do you hit the snooze button? In a perfect world, we would all be morning people. Who doesn’t want to wake up feeling refreshed, have time to make a delicious breakfast, get a workout in and strut into work ready to tackle the day? In reality, we’re lucky if we don’t have a hectic morning and are rushing out the door. That’s why we’re here to give you five tips on how to make your mornings more enjoyable.

1. Stop pressing snooze

Pressing the snooze button can do more harm than good when it comes to your mornings. According to The National Sleep Foundation, a snooze session doesn’t last long enough for you to finish a complete sleep cycle which means you could end up feeling more groggy than if you initially woke up after your first alarm.

2. Say goodnight to your screens

Did you know that the more electronic devices a person uses in the evening, the harder it is to fall asleep or stay asleep? According to The National Sleep Foundation, ninety percent of people admit to using some form of technology an hour before heading to bed. A lot of people also stated that they use technology to help them relax and get to sleep. If you’re one of these nighttime technology-users, you may not realize the extent to which this can make it harder to settle down to get some rest. So, make sure you’re saying goodnight to your screens earlier or even leaving them out of your bedroom to guarantee that you’re getting some much-needed rest without any distractions.

3. It’s all about routine

Whether it’s before bed or when you wake up, having a routine in place can make your mornings that much better. Things like reading before bed, waking up at the same time every day, getting a workout in, making your lunch beforehand or planning your outfit the night before are all examples of ways that your mornings can be more enjoyable. Each familiar action in your routine quickly become one less thing you have to worry about. By eliminating decision-making tasks in the morning, your routine can also make you feel more organized and relaxed. It isn’t so much about what is in your routine, it’s just about having one.

4. Have something to look forward to

As we mentioned, not everyone can wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed. But you can put yourself into a good headspace or mindset by having something to look forward to each day. It doesn’t have to be work related, but creating your daily schedule so that you get excited about something can really change how you feel each morning.

5. Exercise

Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

Yes, we said it. You’re probably thinking about how you can barely grab a coffee each morning let alone get a workout in. But it doesn’t have to be the traditional kind of exercise. Take two minutes each morning do things such as a quick stretching or yoga sequence. You can also try mental workouts such as meditating or breathing exercises every morning to increase your energy.

Whether you are a morning person or not, these tips and tricks can help us be ready to take on the day!


Turn your downtime into uptime.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.