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15 GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up the Stages of Studying

Written by Christine Rees

Image by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash and Tyler Doupe from Student Life Network

We’re approaching that time of year again, but I’m sure you already know which one I’m referring to. The dreaded EXAM TIME.

Whether we’re facing midterms or final exams, this time of year is brutal for us all. Let’s see what awaits us in the coming weeks, shall we?

1. We’re Ready

Let’s start off strong by absolutely crushing this exam. Nothing can stop us if we are prepared and focused, which we are!

2. Over-Caffeinated

We need to avoid the drowsiness. If we keep enough caffeine in our system, we can’t crash, right? RIGHT? Mmmm coffee is goooooooood.

3. Determined

We’re getting the hang of it – all of the information we’ve been learning is slowly coming back in spurts and it looks like we are going to be okay. Woohoo!

4. Panicking

What is THIS? I don’t remember covering this at all. Did the prof even mention reading these pages? Why is it in the syllabus? Will it be on the exam?

5. Getting Tired

Will this ever end?

6. Look! A Distraction!

Hello, phone. We meet again.

7. Totally Lost

How did I get here? I wasn’t on this chapter … or was I? It’s highlighted but I don’t remember anything. Did I even READ what I highlighted? I’m screwed.

8. Procrastination

Oh, hey! My friend got the job they applied for, good for them! I wonder if they’re celebrating tonight. Maybe we’ll go out for drinks. I should message my roommates and see if there are any plans just in case …

9. Snacking

I have to take a break if I’m hungry, right? Food is a necessity. I need it to live.

10. Getting Refocused

Nothing’s standing in our way now. We’re totally focused and ready to work AGAIN, so let’s jump back into the textbook and get this DONE.

11. Waiting for Productivity to Hit

Me: I want to get work done.

Brain: Nope.

Me: YES! We’re here. We’re ready. We’re going to –

Brain: No.

Me: Fine.

12. Frustrated

This is dumb. I’m tired of looking at these. Who even cares about a test anyway?

13. Miserable

This is horrible. I’m never going to remember all of this and or get out of here. No one’s going to hire me. I’ll be a student forever.

14. Over It

Well, it was worth a try. My brain can’t hold any more information. I don’t even know where I left off at this point.

15. Sleepy Time

We had a good run but I’m calling it.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.