After a couple of years, countless semesters, and what feels like a lifetime of assignments, post-secondary students across the globe are entering “graduation season”. Unlike “exam season”, “graduation season” is an exciting time in the life of a student because it means THEY’RE OFFICIAL DONE!
However, graduating isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. In reality it can be pretty freakin scary! Soon you’ll be off your parents insurance, you’ll have to start paying back your student loans, and you can no longer pull the “I’m a student” card when you don’t have your life together.
Are you or someone you love currently going through “graduation season?” If you’re like me, and you’re facing this open-ended road, have no fear because you are NOT alone! Seriously, I know it may seem like everyone else has got it all figured out while all you have is an expensive piece of paper to wipe your tears with. But believe me, no matter who you are, everyone faces some type of anxiety when it comes to graduating.
With that in mind I decided to anonymously ask several students from all walks of life how they feel about crossing the finish line into adulthood. As luck would have it, everyone had very different takes of post-grad life.
If you could sum up your post-secondary career in a few words what would you say?
“It was a whirlwind experience that I’m so glad I did.”
“My post secondary career is one of biggest personal accomplishments… I am proud of finishing it.”
“I had no idea what I was doing.”
“It was a complete blast meeting so many new people regarding the industry im going into.”
“I grew a lot as a person and learned to understand my boundaries and my goals.”
What are your biggest fears for graduation?
“Not being able to find a job in the field that interests me.”
“Never accomplishing my goals because I was too scared to take a risk and just wanted to play safe.”
“That the same guy that took my grad pictures will also be taking photos at the grad ceremony.”
“Leaving a city I’ve grown to love and now consider home.”
“Not knowing which direction to go… (But) I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can breathe just a little deeper.”
“That I won’t be able to fit in and find my groove the way I did in University.”
Do you think you’ll ever be a student again?
“(Depends) If i decide to get my teachers degree.”
“I plan on being a student again in the fall.. I am not ready to finish being a student!”
“Hahahahahahahaha no.”
“Yes I hope so I would love to do my masters later in life… gotta be in a place to afford it”
“Not more so as a student enrolled in an institution but rather a student of life.”
What are you most excited for post-graduation life?
“I’m excited to meet new people in unexpected places and go to unexpected places.”
“I’m excited to be at home and around my family more often and remind them how thankful I am for all their support over these years.”
“Not having to worry about classes and projects!”
“Moving: I think moving allows you to grow more as a person and adapt to different situations.”
“I am most excited to establish my own life.”
What advice would you give to other students about to graduate?
“It’s so corny but really live in the moment and appreciate all of your friends and professors. It’s so weird to say goodbye to friends and not knowing when you will see them again.”
“I highly suggest to other students to visit your school Career Centre so they can look at your resume and help you plan for the future and network.”
“Always be proud of your accomplishments even if they are small, find the good simple things in life that you love to do, and make sure that you are out there in the world doing what you love.”
“Go out there and be the best version of yourselves you can be. This is the time of your life where failures are accepted. It’s the perfect moment to break yourself into pieces and put it together again.”
“It’s all going to work out one way or another. No matter where you are in life it’s not too late to change.”
As you can see graduating brings out a wide range of EMOTIONS out of students!
But the end message ranges true! If you’re about to graduate you’re about to enter a very exciting new chapter of your life. Even though you won’t be a student anymore, you’ll always have the memories. Now take a deep breath and say it with me “I’m going to be just fine!”
Come on now, “I’m going to be just fine!” Because at the end of the day even the people who seem like they have it all figured out, truthfully don’t. I guess you could say “We’re all in this together”, especially when it comes our fears for the future. But I promise you things will workout the way they’re supposed to, trust me.

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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.