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Tough Choice: How SLNers Chose Their Post-Secondary School

Written by Ryan Bolton

I still remember how the sunlight hit my kitchen table that afternoon.

It was a calming yellow light that broke through the sunroom and struck the table on a slant. Splayed out in front me were seven university acceptance packages. My mom was leaning over my shoulder perusing the letters with me. There were a bunch for English literature and some for creative writing. I had no idea what I was doing or where I should go…

Every day of your life is made up of a bazillion choices. What wrinkled shirt am I going to wear today? Eat this salad or abide my belly and dive into that bacon-cheeseburger calling my name? Should I go see that new Michael Bay movie instead of working on that assignment?

And what post-secondary school should I go to?

The choice isn’t easy. Far as possible from the rents or nice and close? Then again, nothing beats mom’s lemon-infused chicken. Where’s your boyfriend/girlfriend going and should you go together? Does the school have the ideal program for your area of study? Are they giving you a scholarship?

But most importantly, how’s the on-campus food selection. This is key. Trust.

We turned the question over to SLNers to find out how you made the big decision:

“I love french, science, and coffee: McGill grad school it is.” —Deanna Elise

“U of C, because my girlfriend was moving to Calgary and I had to follow.” —Jamie Lindsay

“I’m making money on the scholarship I got to Dalhousie.” —Kenny Dolson

“Brock… because I can walk and talk. But also cause I’m good at math!” —Christian DeAngells

“Booth University College because that is where God called me.” —Terry Hayes

“Vancouver Island University. Close to the friends who have been my family for the past four years, and nothing beats the beauty of living on the coast of BC!” —Brennan Hinchsliff

“University of Guelph because of its amazing campus and professors and because when I stepped onto campus I just fell in love with it all! And #1 for food in Canada for 10 years now!” —Victoria McNaught

“TriOS, because I will be done my paralegal diploma in a year. Oh and it’s 30 minutes by public transit from home.” —Waneeka Sayantani

“Memorial University of Newfoundland. Cheap tuition, folklore program and Old Stuff in Newfoundland.” —Silas Pritchard

“University of Windsor because of the Drama in Education and Community program. I was inspired by the school, the professors, and the people I met there. It has an environment I would be proud to be a part of.” —Jessica Thom

“Carleton University. It was the closest university that had the program I wanted (aerospace engineering). The campus is gorgeous, the dining hall is great, and the scholarships are might generous. I’m very happy with my choice!” —Biftu Omar

Your turn

Have a similar story? How did you pick your post-secondary school? Or, if you’re still in high school, what are you looking for in a college or university? Comment away!

Illustration by Anas Ashraf

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.