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The Must-Read Frosh Week Survival Guide

Written by Phaedra Corrente

As I mentioned in my previous article on frosh week, I’m pretty stoked for frosh week. Stoked being the operative word.

That being said, I can only assume that certain aspects of frosh week will be challenging. Whether it’s blistering climates, headache-inducing noise, or an untouchable amount of juvenile delinquency, there are plenty of things that we all have to prepare for during frosh week. I’m not certain what Ryerson’s orientation will yield for me, but I’ve gathered a fair estimation of what I should expect, and that estimation has prompted me to conjure a few survival tips. These tips are not only for myself to follow, but for all of those who will become a part of the mighty force that is frosh week.

“Frosh week is known for its exuberance, but also its capacity for insanity.”

Frosh week is known for its exuberance, but also its capacity for insanity. This is due to the fact that teenagers are, for the most part, abundantly energetic. The abilities of the common teenager include, but are not limited to, the following: singing loudly and out of key, taking ridiculous amounts of pictures, and ingesting more junk food than one would think is humanly possible. This applies to us during frosh week more than any other time, since the event itself basically epitomizes young adult living; we’re bound to be exhausted if we don’t take the necessary precautions throughout our adventures.

With this in mind, I present to you a bona fide Frosh Week Survival Guide!


1. Bring a water bottle. Or five.

2. Plan your days beforehand so you don’t accidentally miss any big events.

3. Get familiar with your campus as soon as possible. This will pay off when you’re late for that psychology class.

4. Eat any and all free food. This applies to anything free during frosh week, actually.

5. Don’t be shy. Put down your smartphone! No one knows anyone–make friends!

6. Wear comfortable shoes. Unless you’re a fan of blisters and pain.

7. When you find people you like, keep them in a “we’re friends” kind of way.

8. Umbrellas are your friend when the weather is your enemy.

9. Be prepared to sing and dance. A lot.

10. Two final words: Have fun!

Photo courtesy: Laurier Student Union

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.