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10 Master Tips to Help You Save for Your Next Worldly Adventure

Written by Libby Shabada

In my last piece, I wrote about how to persuade your parents to let you traverse the world. Many of the comments were about not being able to afford trips as students.

Soooo… here’s this.

Being a student means an ample amount of time stuck in a lecture hall, library, or the confinement of your own room. So zoning out is usually a given. I don’t know about you, but a lot of my daydreaming tends to revolve around escaping on an amazing getaway and then subsequently realizing the amount of money it would cost. And feeling instantly bummed.

If you’re like me and are itching for an exciting adventure, good news! There are many simple ways to save for your next vacay. Here’s what I do to save:

Backpacking 3

1.) If you have a part-time job, put a certain amount of your paycheque away in a fund each pay period. Even $20 per cheque adds up. You can even set it up with your bank to do it automatically for you. It’s almost too easy.

2.) For your birthday and Christmas, ask for trip money. Or things you’ll need for your trip like a backpack, camera, bathing suit, etc. You would be buying these things for your trip anyway, so why not get other people to buy it for you? Definite win.

3.) Take your trip off-season when it’s cheaper. Going right after exams at the end of April or May before the summer rush in June/July will generally be less expensive. Or if your professors decide to take it easy on you during your reading week, think about going then.

Backpacking 2

4.) Look for flight sales. Just like any good relationship advice, don’t settle! Keep looking and comparing flights to find a price you are happy with.

5.)  Do your research and choose a “cheap” destination. This means one where food and hotels are less expensive to tourist standards. Most of Asia, South America, and Central America are all good places to start your search.

6.) Book with a group tour, especially one that travels locally. This means staying and eating at local establishments instead of international companies. As well with a group tour, your accommodations and transport in the destination will be planned for you, which will save you time, effort, and money because they know what’s up!

7.) Give yourself some travel inspiration. It sounds a bit cheesy, but putting a picture of your trip destination in your room will remind you to save money, or, in my case, not splurge on food and lattes all the time.

8.) Monitor your savings. Using your debit and/or visa is great, but can sometimes lead to spending absentmindedly. Pretty sure the new tap feature on cards is the best and worst thing to ever happen. Luckily, online banking is a great way to check up. You can also take out a certain amount of cash at the beginning of the week and only allow yourself to spend that amount, which will help keep track.

9.) Get a travel rewards credit card and/or Air Miles card to earn points that you can redeem towards your trip. Start now so you’ll rack up some points by the time you go. You’ll be making it rain with your points.

10.) Lastly, plan ahead! If you can only work in the summer, think about a trip you could take the following year with the money you earn this year. Or, taking on a quick part-time job to help expedite the process of you getting on a plane and jet-setting asap!

Remember, every little bit helps. Think about the destination, length, and type of trip you want to take and plan ahead of time. Make it happen.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash

Got your own ways of saving for a trip? Help an SLNer out below.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Student Life Network or their partners.